*UMBC Research Park and Incubator News
UMBC’s ACTiVATE Program, an innovative, year-long program, sponsored by a grant from the National Science Foundation to train women to become technology entrepreneurs, is accepting applications for its second year, to begin in January 2006. Classes will be held Thursday evenings and one Saturday a month at techcenter@UMBC.
The program is recruiting women with strong technical or business backgrounds who have an interest in high-tech entrepreneurship. Participants will access technology inventions from universities and research institutions in Maryland, put together plans to commercialize suitable technologies and, potentially, start new companies. The ACTiVATE Program will provide technologies, training and support infrastructure for participants, including instructors, entrepreneurs in residence and advisors from the local business community.
Interested women are invited to attend an open house on November 16 or December 6. Applications may be sent to Barbara Breslau, program manager, at Breslau@umbc.edu. For more information, visit www.umbc.edu/activate or contact Barbara Breslau, program manager (Breslau@umbc.edu, 443-543-5594). Leaders in the Baltimore business community are encouraged to recommend candidates to Ms. Breslau.
Posted: October 20, 2005, 12:00 PM