Kuali Proposal FAQ’s


Use Kuali to create your proposal.  See  Quick Reference Cards

New to Kuali? Office of Sponsored Programs offers Hands-on Training Classes and Guides.

Contact OSP Help for more information or join the MyUMBC Kuali Group.


Is there a way to find my proposal by a keyword or part of a project title?

Yes! Kuali has a “search everywhere” global search feature to find any word or phrase in a proposal title.  Click the Search (magnifying glass) icon on the Kuali Dashboard and enter a word or phrase.

What are some basic searching tips for Kuali Proposal?

Most common searches are by proposal number, PI, Unit, Sponsor, Kuali uses the asterisks as the wild-card character.

See  Proposal Search Quick Card

New more assistance, view all training at    http://research.umbc.edu/kuali-training/

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Who has access to a my proposal?

Access to the Proposal is limited based on roles within a unit or on a proposal. Proposal creators have access to records he/she created and have the ability to add other viewers. Investigators have view access to their Kuali Research proposals by default. Proposal Approvers have view access to proposals they approve. Aggregators (those who create and manage proposal data) work with many investigators in a unit(s) to create proposals.  The system also allows Aggregators to add persons so that they can also access ( to either view or edit).

Contact OSP for help in making changes to Aggregators and Proposal Viewers at OSP Help

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Who is an Aggregator in Kuali?  

An Aggregator is anyone at UMBC who creates and manages a proposal. Typically this will be the department administrator who has created or has managed proposals in PeopleSoft. The person who helps to facilitate creation of a paper routing form for signatures would also be a likely person to be an aggregator.   Aggregators create and maintain budgets and can work with many investigators in a unit(s) to create proposals.

To find the Aggregator of a Proposal using the proposal search. see Quick Card: Search by Proposal Aggregator

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What activity type should I select for my proposal? 

Your proposal activity is a category of work begin performed on the proposal.  Construction-construction of new buildings, Equipment–acquisition of equipment, Fellowship-selective awards granted to faculty or graduate students awarded to allow the recipient to carry out research Interagency Personnel Agreement (IPA) –funding mechanism to or from a federal agency and UMBC for a portion or all of the salary and fringe benefits of a UMBC employee (faculty or non-faculty) working on sponsored research projects funded by the agency. Other Sponsored Activities (Services)-involves the performance of work other than instruction/training or research. Research– directed toward 1) increasing knowledge in science, 2) designing, developing, or testing of specific items or processes, or 3) determining the potential of discoveries. Unfunded Agreements – an agreement that is not a funding mechanism such as Data Use Agreement, Team Agreement, CRADA, etc.

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I am a PI. Can I create and work on my own proposal in Kuali?  

Answer:  Yes! Anyone at UMBC can create or work on a proposal, including the Principle Investigator.  The department administrator will automatically have access to edit the proposal alongside and in conjunction with the PI. The PI will need Proposal Creator access however to create new proposals.

To get started, work with your department administrator. Also see  UMBC Create Proposal Quick Card

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How does an Investigator certify a proposal?

A UMBC investigator must certify a proposal before it can be submitted to the Sponsor. In those instances where the investigator is not the proposal creator, the proposal creator will send a notification email to the investigator. This email will have a link to the certification page for that investigator for that proposal.

See Quick Reference Guide for PI Certifications, UMBC PI Certification Quick Card

For more information, also view Kuali Training  http://research.umbc.edu/kuali-training/

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I am a Department Chair. Can I view all the proposals in my unit by using Kuali? 

Yes. Department Chairs can view all proposals in their unit.  An easy way to find proposals is to use the Task Bar on the Main menu  and the word “Search”, then  key in your unit number in search criteria.

See Quick Card –  UMBC Proposal Search Quick Card

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Do all the final documents need to be submitted before the proposal is submitted for signature approvals?  For example can the PI replace proposal attachments, such as the Narrative Document, after the proposal has been submitted?

All documents need to be marked complete before the proposal is submitted.  However, the proposal aggregator or the PI is allowed to update attachments while the proposal is in routing for signature approval. No new attachments can be added. This feature allows the proposal attachments to continue to be worked on up and until the proposal is submitted to the sponsor by OSP. 

Note: By default, prior approvers in the routing chain will be notified via email and on their action list when a document has been replaced. Other users can be notified, or, you can cancel the notifications. For more information, please see Replacing an Attachment  

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What documents are required to be attached with a proposal?  

Your proposal attachments are dependent on the Sponsoring agency requirements and on whether the proposal is using Grants.Gov system to system. Other attachments are required by UMBC administration.

For guidelines or document attachments, see  Documents Needed for Proposal Routing

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What is a pessimistic lock? Can someone still view a record if it is being updated or used by someone else?   

A type of lock placed on a record to prevent other from updating that record. Users will get a message the the record is locked and will give the name of the user who is currently updating the record. Records can still be viewed.  To unlock a record, navigate to the “Pessimistic Lock” menu option, and use the delete function. This will unlock the record. A Pessimistic Lock also occurs when a user forgets to close the record, or has not signed out of the system when the record is active.  Locks are removed from all records after 24 hours.

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The hyperlinks at the bottom of the Kuali notification email are not active. Is this a problem? 

This is a known issue in Kuali queue and the software company is working to make the links active regardless of the browser used. If your link does not work, cut and paste the link into your browser window.

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When I close my Proposal Budget, the system takes me out of my proposal too! How can I stay in my proposal continue working?  

The Close button will take the user out of the proposal budget and the proposal. If the user wishes to stay in the proposal, use the “Return to Document” button, then and navigate back to the proposal, using the “Return to Proposal Arrow at the top of the left-hand navigation panels.

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