Division of Research and Creative Achievement

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GRIT-X celebrates the diversity of talent and impact of UMBC’s alumni and faculty

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Molly Mollica wins American Heart Association Career Development Award

Molly Mollica, an assistant professor in mechanical engineering, has been selected for an American Heart Association (AHA) Career Development Award, which will provide more than $200,000 to fund her research to better understand sex and hormone differences in platelet function.

Quantum Photonics expertise earns UMBC spot in DOE Frontiers in Energy Research Center

UMBC has been selected to participate in the Quantum Photonics Integrated Design Center (QuPIDC), one of 10 new Frontiers in Energy Research Centers recently funded by the U.S. Department of Energy.

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UMBC 2024 Inquiring Minds coverIn UMBC’s 2024 research and creative achievement annual report, Inquiring Minds, we’re presenting a cross section of some of the key areas of achievement across our community.

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