UMBC IACUC Protocol Creation and Submission Process


The below information will assist investigators in the planning, creation and submission of animal use protocols for review and approval by the IACUC.  Please follow the below process to submit an application via the Kuali Protocols Portal. The ORPC has created an IACUC Protocol User Guide to assist with the process. The Guide has a searchable table of contents to the specific sections to assist in creating a protocol.

Scroll through the page to find out about the submission process. Click on the below link to learn about specific topics related to the protocol creation process.

Field Studies
Collaborative Research
Temporary Animal Holding Protocols
Occupational Safety and Health 
Semi-Annual Facility Inspections
Permits to import/export animals for research
Veterinary Medical Services 
Animal Purchase and Care
Consideration of Alternatives
Survival Surgical Procedures 

Animal Care and Use Federal Assurance

The University of Maryland, Baltimore County has an Animal Welfare Assurance (D16-00462, approved through 09/30/2021) from the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare.

Schedule of Meetings

The UMBC IACUC meets four (4) times a year. In order to allow for sufficient review and placement on the meeting agenda, new or renewal protocol applications must be submitted at least 30 days before the scheduled meeting. Applications not received by that deadline date will be automatically placed on the agenda for the next scheduled meeting.

The meeting schedule for the 2023-24 academic year is as follows:

The IACUC will meet in:                             Protocols must be submitted to ORPC no later than:

January 12th, 2024                                                               December 12th, 2023
April 12th, 2024                                                                    March 12th, 2024
July 12th, 2024                                                                     June 12th, 2024
October 11th, 2024                                                              September 11th, 2024
January 10th, 2025                                                              December 10th, 2024


The IACUC requires that all animal care staff and research personnel, including faculty, graduate students and undergraduate students, using animals in any research or teaching project complete the on-line education module in both animal care and use (repeat every three (3) years) and occupational safety and health (repeat annually)Training must be completed or updated prior to submitting an animal use application for review. The certificate of training completion should be kept with the PI.How to Submit a Protocol in Kuali 

The IACUC reviews all animal research carried out in university facilities, as well as fieldwork, that is supported by the PHS, HHS, and/or NSF and is conducted by a UMBC principal investigators.  All projects are to be approved prior to the actual use of animals, whether it involves research/teaching or warm/cold blooded vertebrates. The approval of animal use will be granted for a three-year period.  The IACUC is required to review activities annually, even though it may be a multiple-year project. Access Kuali protocols dashboard here

Have a Kuali technical issue or problems with access?  Contact the ORPC on this online form and we’ll send your issue to VPR Research Administrative Systems

Who can be a principal investigator?

UMBC personnel who carry out activities involving animals fall under the auspices of UMBC’s  Animal Welfare Assurance Statement of Compliance with the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW). The individual who has the primary responsibility for a project that includes the design and implementation of research or teaching involving animals is known as the Principal Investigator (PI). The PI ensures that students, technicians and research staff be made aware and understand their individual and collective responsibilities for research related tasks including monitoring animal care and use, record keeping, appropriate environment and housing of animals, personnel training, etc. In terms of an IACUC application, at PI is a full time faculty member in a department where animal research activities are conducted and may also be defined by UMBC’s Policy on Principal Investigator Eligibility.

Where can I get help with IACUC Application in a pre-review consultation?

The ORPC staff is available to answer any questions regarding the IACUC submission process and IACUC review of research studies. We also provide pre-review consultation to discuss all aspects of IACUC review, from preparing the submission to completion of the study.    Please contact the office staff for more information.

When will I hear from the IACUC about my study?

The length of time a study will take to be reviewed in Kuali to approval depends on the type or level of review required. In general, protocols undergo full committee review at the next scheduled IACUC meeting. Designated member review may be requested by the principal investigator in the event that an expedited review is desired before the next scheduled IACUC meeting. The ORPC staff, working in concert with the IACUC, will make every effort to work with investigators to process proposals promptly. If additional changes are needed, it can take longer depending on reviewer questions or protocol load.

How do I submit a protocol?

Using the above schedule for protocol submissions, submit an animal protocol using the Kuali Protocols Portal.  Each section of the protocol will allow you to download supporting documentation that is relevant and necessary. The Kuali IACUC protocol form is designed to help provide the IACUC sufficient information to allow a meaningful review of your proposed animal use. The ORPC has created an IACUC Protocol User Guide to explain the steps in creating a disclosure.

Investigators applying for PHS or NSF funds are strongly encouraged to follow OLAW’s examples to prepare the animal use section of proposals; using the Worksheet for the Review of the Vertebrate Animal Section when developing protocol applications for review by the IACUC may benefit.  Procedures proposed in applications must comply with the provisions in the PHS Assurance for Institutional Commitment (UMBC’s assurance # is D16-00462) and the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals; taxon‐specific guidelines such as the Guidelines to the Use of Wild Birds in Research or Guidelines for the Use of Fishes in Research may be used as supplemental references.

As an additional resource, use these Java Applets for Power and Sample Size to help justify in your protocol the use of animals. This will ensure that what is being proposed for funding is consistent in description the IACUC reviews and approves.

If you and your technical staff require assistance for animal procedures (i.e., you are not qualified in performing certain techniques, including surgery) help is available, at no cost to your project, from UM,B Veterinary Resources. In addition, assistance in the planning of anesthetic/ analgesic procedures and methods of euthanasia is available.

What kinds of projects are exempt from IACUC review?

Several types of projects would not require prior IACUC review or approval. Examples include:

  • research involving invertebrates
  • the use of tissues, organs or other parts of dead animals if received as such, for example, from colleagues
  • tissues obtained from commercial vendors or salvaged animals (found dead)
  • noninvasive observation of wild animals in their natural habitat

A IACUC protocol is required if tissues are obtained if animals were euthanized specifically to obtain tissues or there was a project-specific “pre-death” procedure used to obtain the animals tissues prior to euthanizing them.

When should I consult with ORPC about my proposed study involving animals?  

If there is question as to whether or not IACUC approval is required for a proposed animal activity, please contact the ORPC with the information before you commence with the project at

  • a brief description of the project
  • where noninvasive observations will take place or from where and from whom tissues or other animal parts will be obtained
  • the applicable teaching course number and title or internally/externally funded title and funding source

The ORPC will review this information with the IACUC Chair to determine if additional action is required.

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