The IACUC will inspect at least every six months the Institutions’ program for humane care and use of animals, and all of the Institution’s animal facilities using the Guide as a basis for evaluation. Semi-annual facility inspections include, but are not limited to inspection of: a. animal housing areas, b. feed and bedding storage areas, c. cage wash areas, d. surgery areas, e. animal procedure areas, f. other animal care and use areas and support areas, and g. any equipment used for transporting of animals.
If deficiencies are noted during the inspection, they will be categorized as significant or minor. A significant deficiency is one that is or may be a threat to the health and safety of the animals or personnel. Following inspection the Committee will develop a reasonable and specific plan, and schedule for correcting each deficiency.
Any concerns involving the care and use of animals may be reported by any individual to the IO, IACUC Chair, Institutional Veterinarian, or any member of the IACUC. Notices are located in the animal facilities and state how and where to report animal welfare concerns. Any individual who in good faith reports an animal welfare concern will be protected against reprisal. All reported concerns will be bought to the attention of the full Committee to discuss, investigate, and address. Reported concerns and associated actions will be reported to the IO and, as warranted to OLAW.
Reports or concerns may also be made to the ORPC.