Division of Research and Creative Achievement

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GRIT-X celebrates the diversity of talent and impact of UMBC’s alumni and faculty

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Rachel Brewster advances understanding of how organisms adapt to oxygen deprivation

Rachel Brewster, a professor of biological studies, is working with zebrafish to understand how they mitigate the effects of reduced oxygen. These studies have an eye toward new medical treatments to keep human tissue alive and undamaged under hypoxia for longer periods of time.

Quantum Photonics expertise earns UMBC spot in DOE Frontiers in Energy Research Center

UMBC has been selected to participate in the Quantum Photonics Integrated Design Center (QuPIDC), one of 10 new Frontiers in Energy Research Centers recently funded by the U.S. Department of Energy.

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UMBC 2024 Inquiring Minds coverIn UMBC’s 2024 research and creative achievement annual report, Inquiring Minds, we’re presenting a cross section of some of the key areas of achievement across our community.

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From UMBC News and Magazine

UMBC’s Hilltop Institute in The Baltimore Sun

An article published January 19 in The Baltimore Sun examines the impact of the Affordable Care Act as Marylanders gain health insurance coverage, but points to how many are switching from...

Posted: January 22, 2014, 5:38 PM

Robert Provine, Psychology, to be Featured in New Book

Psychology professor Robert Provine participated in this year’s annual question on Edge.org, which features a collection of online essays that is later published as part of a high-profile and...

Posted: January 22, 2014, 3:57 PM

Tom Cronin, Biology, in WIRED

What’s the Absurd Creature of the Week in WIRED science? Why it’s none other than one of biologist Tom Cronin’s favorite sea critters, the mantis shrimp. And the eyes of these creatures are...

Posted: January 13, 2014, 8:11 PM