Investigators from other institutions who plan to perform animal research at UMBC, or who enter into a consortium (subaward) or subcontract agreements with UMBC, must follow their home-institution’s policies, procedures and guidelines as well as those of the UMBC. Wherever possible and appropriate, UMBC’s IACUC will accept the review and approval of the offsite institution’s IACUC upon submission to ORPC of approval documentation (IACUC approval letter and copy of an Animal Welfare Assurance (domestic institutions) or a Statement of Compliance [foreign institutions] with the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare [OLAW]), indicating compliance with federal regulations governing the ethical care and use of animals. The institution that owns the animals will maintain primary oversight responsibility. The collaborating institution does not have a PHS approved Assurance of Compliance for animal welfare on file with OLAW the investigator must contact the ORPC.