Biosafety and Laboratory Safety Training

General Information

Biosafety training is required for all principal investigators, research staff, and lab instructors involved in research or teaching in their laboratories to ensure each person understands specific hazards associated with work in the lab and know how to protect themselves from such hazards in the areas specific to the research.

All research lab and teaching lab personnel must complete the below  modules before the IBC provides approval. UMBC uses CITI training. Follow instructions below.  For more information, general UMBC safety information can be found on the UMBC Biosafety Page.  UMBC may accept evidence of training (e.g. certificate of completion) from another institution. Please forward these documents to for review.


Questions or issues regarding training? Click this link: Research compliance feedback and reporting research concerns.



The ORPC and Environmental Safety and Health (ESH) have created a single training platform for all research laboratory safety training needs. CITI provides education modules in laboratory safety, hazard communications, NIH Recombinant DNA Guidelines as well other biosafety related training. The supplemental Hazard Communication module was created to meet ESH’s training requirement. Animal care, research and ethical consideration training is also provided under CITI.  Note that ESH will continue to use Webnet for other non-research safety training requirements. Follow the below to take this training.
CITI Program Biosafety Training
    • Using your UMBC login credentials, click on the University of Maryland, Baltimore County Single Sign On (SSO) login link on the CITI Program’s website.
    • Persons with a current CITI login will be directed to their current CITI course list.
    • If you do not have a current CITI login, you will see this screen. Click on the appropriate link and follow the below instructions
    • Click on Register link in top right.
    • Set up an account for yourself – in “Select Your Organization Affiliation” section, make sure to select “University of Maryland, Baltimore County” by typing it in box. Then follow the rest of the instructions to create your account.
    • When asked “Which courses do you plan to take”…
    • Scroll to “Question #6” and under “Biosafety/Biosecurity Course” and choose the courses below:


    Biosafety Complete Training

    Hazard Communication (including the UMBC supplemental module)

    OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens- Year 2 & 3 of the IBC Registration

    Animal Biosafety (if necessary when participating in IACUC approved research)

    • Once courses selected, click “Submit”
    • Then complete the courses
    • The ORPC will be electronically notified of your training completion.

    Once the initial training period has ended, CITI will provide instruction to renew training modules with a refresher course.

    Additional Training Opportunities

    The American Biological Safety Association (ABSA) offers resources to meet specific training needs of persons working with hazardous materials or situations. One example includes training videos or Working at Animal Biosafety Level 1.

    UMBC’s Office of Research Protections and Compliance provides a wide variety of training.  ORPC has presented to departments, labs and administrative groups on campus.  We would be more than happy to meet with you or your unit. Please feel free to contact us at

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