Three new CAREER Awards to UMBC
Three of UMBC's assistant professors have recently received CAREER awards from the National Science Foundation. Including these three recipients in 2017, UMBC junior faculty have received a total of 34 NSF CAREER awards to date. “We are very proud of the success of so many of our young faculty who have been recognized early in their careers by the National Science Foundation,” says Freeman A. Hrabowski, III, UMBC President.
Professor Lee Blaney’s award, “CAREER: Environmental forensics: Emerging water quality tools to detect leaking sewers in urban streams,” supports his work to improve water quality by addressing contaminants of emerging concern in urban ecosystems. More detail is available at
Professor Tinoosh Mohsenin’s award, “CAREER: DeepMatter: A Scalable and Programmable Embedded Deep Neural Network,” enables her to develop new machine learning (or deep learning) technologies for wearable computing devices which will process data locally, minimizing hardware requirements and power consumption. More detail is available at
Professor Ting Zhu’s award, “CAREER: Synergistic Cross-IoT N-Way Sensing using Wireless Traffic in the Edge,” supports his work in enhancing the ability of Internet connected devices to transfer information efficiently. More detail is available at
All of UMBC's 34 CAREER awards are listed at, which includes links to their abstracts.
Posted: May 9, 2017, 10:56 AM