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Dr. Brenda Curtis from NIH-NIDA visits UMBC


Information Technology/Engineering : 325B

Date & Time

March 7, 2019, 11:00 am1:00 pm


This is a visit from Dr. Brenda Curtis (from NIH-NIDA at the Bayview campus) to explore research collaborations with UMBC. The intended audience is prospective faculty collaborators.

The primary focus of Dr. Curtis's research is to collect real-time language data (social media, SMS text) and self-reports of exposure to drug cues and psychosocial stressors to be integrated with continuously collected GPS and smartphone sensors data to gain a better understanding of substance use, treatment outcomes, and recovery. The goals are to use passively collected data (language, sensor, etc) and EMA data to develop predictive models that can be used to deliver tailored, just-in-time interventions via the smartphone. This research may expand to the area of building devices/sensors to detect behaviors that predict relapse.

To ensure a proper headcount for our lunch order, please RSVP via this myUMBC event at your earliest convenience.