Public Research for Public Good

This slide presentation provides an overview of UMBC’s unique Research & Creative Achievement culture from the perspective of the faculty researchers within our colleges and schools.

Our commitment to the synergy between engineering, the sciences, the arts and the humanities is what makes our UMBC community unlike any other university. We perform cutting-edge research that is deeply interdisciplinary at its core and informed by the principle of social responsibility to understand our world and develop new technologies to improve the lives of people in Maryland and of people more broadly.

The Research & Creative Achievement initiatives of our faculty are a celebration of human potential and human endeavor.

UMBC created a set of videos of faculty describing their “Public Research for Public Good” initiatives that provide real impact on the communities.

Additional Research & Creative Achievement at UMBC videos highlight the annual GRIT-X Series of talks by UMBC alumni, faculty, and graduate students, which are available at GRIT-X – Global. Research. Innovation. Trends. Excellence.