GRANTS MADE: Grants and Research Administration Networking and Training for Students across Maryland and Delaware’s 7 Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs)

Supported by the Growing Research Access for Nationally Transformative Equity and Diversity (GRANTED) program of the National Science Foundation, this project developed and piloted a research administration internship program for students at Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) in Maryland and Delaware.
The GRANTS MADE internships allowed students to gain experience with research administration as a career pathway. By recruiting and retaining the next generation of research administrators, this program helps expand and diversify the research administration workforce and builds research capacity, while establishing a model that other institutions can follow. The future goal of the project is to develop a fully fledged regional research administration student internship program across MSIs in Maryland and Delaware.
At the GRANTS MADE conference in April 2024, the interns presented posters and participated in a panel that described their experiences and the benefits of the internship. They also presented their work at undergraduate conferences at their institutions and at the NCURA Region 2 research administration conference.

The project team have also presented posters and papers about this project at other national conferences, including the Association for Public and Land-Grant Universities Council on Research conference in June 2024.
The project “GRANTS MADE: Grant and Research Administration Networking and Training for Students at Maryland and Delaware MSIs,” is supported by the Growing Research Access for Nationally Transformative Equity and Diversity (GRANTED) program of the National Science Foundation, Collaborative Awards #2324412, 2324413, and 2324414. It has been approved by the UMBC Institutional Review Board, Protocol #1222.